Sunday, December 9, 2007

This is horrible, I never stick to anything. But in the spirit of (advent??) it being finals week and all, I figured what better way to waste time than to type silly little thoughts to myself? Because lord knows I am the only person (I pray to God) who reads this. So here goes.

I managed to get a bladder infection and was peeing blood by the time I got home from work yesterday. For those of you who don't know, there are two basic ways that you contract such a thing. 1. You break the cardinal rule of wiping (ie: back to front) or 2. You fail to urinate immediately after sex, (or engage in such freaky sexual acts, butt germs are now residing in your pee-hole). So regardless of how this happened, I was dripping blood from my urethra. I am happy to report, thanks to Bactrim, I am healed.

My sister is pregnant and I think it's appropriate to leave her voicemails exclaiming "hey fatty!" or "girl how you get in them jeans, jeannnnns". I think this needs to stop. She called me crying yesterday that her clothes don't fit and she's gained 10lbs already and it's only been 8 weeks. No longer are my jokes funny, but I can't take all the credit. Her mother-in-law is an even bigger bitch and thought that it was necessary to ask Lindsey if she's sure she's only 2 months pregnant because she looks at least 3. Um, yea...

Tomorrow kicks off finals week. I can't say I'm overly concerned (which I should be) but moreso in denial and not feelin it. I feel like I deserve a break, a fucking favor, if you will. I've been in college for FIVE YEARS. Not by choice or laziness, but rather I'm in 5 year program. Around this time last year I started experiencing "senioritis". This cannot compare to what I feel now. I frequently skip class and show up unprepared for exams. Surprisingly I'm doing better then when I study hardcore. So therefore I am conducting a little experiment. I'm going to take my 4 finals this week with minimal studying. Infact, I'm not going to study anything except for econ (because in reality it WILL rape me). I'm not sure why this seems like a good idea, but I'm liking how laid back and relaxed I am. So here goes, two exams tomorrow...