Friday, February 29, 2008

So for the past week and a half I have felt super tired and lethargic. I knew something was wrong so I went to the Dr. and got labs drawn. I thought it was my hemoglobin since I have a history of anemia, but I got the results today and it turns out I have hyperthyroidism. Crazy. I was always under the impression that this means you are full of energy and burning crazy amount of calories and losing weight like none other but it turns out I was wrong. My thyroid is so active that it is using up all of my energy leaving me exhausted and feeling like I'm going to faint. It increases your anxiety level and you get palpitatons and nervousness. The body compensates for the calories used by your thyroid being super active by increasing your appetite so you oftentimes don't lose weight at all. This is like HUGE. I have been on anxiety medication for a few years now and get light headed and weak so easily. I went from running 5-6 miles easily to being exhausted after 1 or 2.

When I was 17 I had anorexia and had to go to the doctor every two weeks to make sure I wasn't losing weight. He checked my thyroid and found that it was hyperactive but just said that we should monitor it and it would level out. A month or two later my levels were apparently normal and that was that. Shortly after I was put on anxiety medication because I always felt like my heart was racing and that I was going to pass out. It really makes me wonder if the anxiety issues may stem from my thyroid being out of whack for several years now. My mom and Grandfather both had partial thyroidectomys for thyroid issues, so it all makes sense now. Who knew?

1 comment:

adventure grrl said...

Ooooo, I finally found you! I just saw a sweet comment from you on my blog and I wanted to let you know I am back to blogging on 100 days in Bed. I hope you are great!

PS, your blog looks fabulous and I hope u come back and write soon :)