Monday, November 12, 2007

I love Sundays. I wish it still was. They called me into work yesterday afternoon which was fine, I love my job. So many babies on the unit right now, it's crazy. Scary that babies are getting cancer now. Their prognosis is generally poor in infancy. There is a 7 day old baby in the NICU with infantile leukemia. Such a sin. Two of my patients are dying right now and sadly I'm not sure all the prayers in the world are enough to save them. I still pray.

I'm listening to Christmas music right now! A little early I know, but it makes me smile. I started my xmas shopping early and have gotten a little done which is nice. Linz is going to be with Michael's family this year which is too bad, but at least we'll all be together for Thanksgiving. Jon is staying with my family for Thanksgiving break :) I'm's our first holiday that we are celebrating together with my family. I love him.

I want to do something special for my patients for the holidays, but I really don't know what to do. I was contemplating organizing a secret santa type of thing but I don't know. I also thought it would be nice to get the kids little christmas trees for their room, but they would have to be fake for neutropenic precautions. Maybe I'll do something crafty. I need to go to Michaels and get some inspiration. I love my kids at CHOP and have been thinking about this for awhile. I just wish I could come up with something...

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