Saturday, November 17, 2007

Last night was very low key. Jon made french toast and we had breakfast for dinner...our favorite :) We watched a lot of Sopranos, our latest obsession, and layed low. It was so nice. I'd take a night at home with him over going out drinking with our friends any day. Went to Reading Terminal for breakfast today, Margo was a no show. I hope that is because she is busy packing and not because she is upset about the other night.

I need to go for a nice long run today. I always feel so much better after I run and I can just take that hour to think and be alone. I cant wait to go home and do Thanksgiving with the family. School is just not doable anymore. 5 years for a bachelors degree is a little much, and now that I'm at the end of my 5th year, I'm having such a hard time going to class and putting any effort into things. I love my job and wish I could just be done with school and nursing full time. I worry that Jon will get into med school outside of Philly and I'll have to choose between staying at CHOP and going with him. We both want to move to Seattle, but he hasnt heard from UW and is thinking he didnt get in there. If he gets into school in Vegas or like Nebraska or somewhere random, it may not be the opportunity that I need for my career. Its months away but certainly something I think about. And worry about. I wish I were more easy going and didnt get so caught up in worrying about things that either happened and I cant get over or are bound to happen eventually.

ugh I need to run.

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